
Changed in version 2.0: options array is replaced with named parameters


Parameter order is not guaranteed for options, use named parameters


Scalars will be converted to their respective types.


use SandFox\Bencode\Bencode;

$data = Bencode::decode(
    "d" .
    "3:arrli1ei2ei3ei4ee" .
    "4:booli1e" .
    "5:float6:3.1415" .
    "3:inti123e" .
    "6:string9:test\0test" .
// [
//   "arr" => [1,2,3,4],
//   "bool" => 1,
//   "float" => "3.1415",
//   "int" => 123,
//   "string" => "test\0test",
// ]

Please note that floats and booleans will stay converted because Bencode has no native support for these types.

Lists and Dictionaries#

Changed in version 3.0: Collection is now a real enum

Deprecated since version 3.1: Passing class names as handlers will be removed in 4.0

Dictionaries and lists will be arrays by default. You can change this behavior with options. Use Collection enum for built in behaviors:


use SandFox\Bencode\Bencode;

$data = Bencode::decode(
    // this is a default for both listType and dictType
    listType: Bencode\Collection::ARRAY,
    // convert to ArrayObject
    dictType: Bencode\Collection::ARRAY_OBJECT,
    // or to stdClass
    // dictType: Bencode\Collection::STDCLASS,

Or use advanced control with callbacks:


use SandFox\Bencode\Bencode;

$data = Bencode::decode(
    // use callback for greater flexibility
    listType: function (array $array) {
        return new ArrayObject(

Big Integers#

By default the library only works with a native integer type but if you need to use large integers, for example, if you want to parse a torrent file for a >= 4GB file on a 32 bit system, you can enable big integer support.

External Libraries#

New in version 1.5/2.5: GMP support

New in version 1.6/2.6: Pear’s Math_BigInteger, brick/math

Changed in version 3.0: BigInt is now a real enum


These math libraries are not explicit dependencies of this library. Install them separately before enabling.

Supported libraries:


use SandFox\Bencode\Bencode;

// GMP
$data = Bencode::decode(
    bigInt: Bencode\BigInt::GMP,
//  ['int' => gmp_init(
//      '79228162514264337593543950336'
//  )]

// brick/math
$data = Bencode::decode(
    bigInt: Bencode\BigInt::BRICK_MATH,
//  ['int' => \Brick\Math\BigInteger::of(
//      '79228162514264337593543950336'
//  )]

// Math_BigInteger from PEAR
$data = Bencode::decode(
    bigInt: Bencode\BigInt::PEAR,
//  ['int' => new \Math_BigInteger(
//      '79228162514264337593543950336'
//  )]

Internal Type#

New in version 1.6/2.6.

The library also has built in BigIntType. It does not require any external dependencies but also does not allow any manipulation.


use SandFox\Bencode\Bencode;

$data = Bencode::decode(
    bigInt: Bencode\BigInt::INTERNAL,
//  ['int' => new \SandFox\Bencode\Types\BigIntType(
//      '79228162514264337593543950336'
//  )]

BigIntType is a value object with several getters:


use SandFox\Bencode\Bencode;

// simple string representation:
$str = $data->value; // readonly property
// converters to the supported libraries:
$obj = $data->toGMP();
$obj = $data->toPear();
$obj = $data->toBrickMath();

Custom Handling#

New in version 1.6/2.6.

Deprecated since version 3.1: Passing class names as handlers will be removed in 4.0

Like listType and dictType you can use a callable:


use SandFox\Bencode\Bencode;

$data = Bencode::decode(
    bigInt: fn (string $value) => $value,
); // ['int' => '79228162514264337593543950336']

Working with files#

Load data from a file:


use SandFox\Bencode\Bencode;

$data = Bencode::load('testfile.torrent');

Working with streams#

New in version 1.5/2.5.

Load data from a seekable readable stream:


use SandFox\Bencode\Bencode;

$data = Bencode::decodeStream(fopen('...', 'r'));

Options Array#

Deprecated since version 3.1.

You can still use 1.x style options array instead of named params. This parameter is kept for compatibility with 1.x calls.


use SandFox\Bencode\Bencode;

$data = Bencode::decode(
    listType: Bencode\Collection::ARRAY,
    dictType: Bencode\Collection::OBJECT,
    bigInt:   Bencode\BigInt::INTERNAL,
// is equivalent to
$data = Bencode::decode("...", [
    'listType' => Bencode\Collection::ARRAY,
    'dictType' => Bencode\Collection::OBJECT,
    'bigInt' =>   Bencode\BigInt::INTERNAL,

Decoder object#

New in version 1.7/2.7/3.0.

Decoder object can be configured on creation and used multiple times:


use SandFox\Bencode\Decoder;

$decoder = new Decoder(bigInt: Bencode\BigInt::INTERNAL);
// all calls available:
$decoder->decodeStream($encoded, $stream);