Upgrade Notes#

Upgrade from 3.x to 4.x#

  • The package was renamed from sandfoxme/bencode to arokettu/bencode

  • The package namespace was changed from SandFox\Bencode to Arokettu\Bencode

    • A custom autoloader to alias SandFox\Bencode to Arokettu\Bencode was added to 1.8.0, 2.8.0, and 3.1.0

  • Dictionaries are now converted to the ArrayObject by default

  • $options arrays were removed

  • Closures passed to listType, dictType, and bigInt must handle iterables instead of arrays now

  • Class names can no longer be passed to listType, dictType, and bigInt

    use Arokettu\Bencode\Bencode;
    // 3.x
    $data = Bencode::decode(
        listType: CustomHandler::class,
    // should become in 4.0
    $data = Bencode::decode(
        listType: fn (iterable $list) => new CustomHandler([...$list]),

Upgrade from 2.x to 3.x#

Main breaking changes:

  • Required PHP version was bumped to 8.1. Upgrade your interpreter.

  • Decoding:

    • Removed deprecated options: dictionaryType (use dictType), useGMP (use bigInt: Bencode\BigInt::GMP)

    • Bencode\BigInt and Bencode\Collection are now enums, therefore dictType, listType, bigInt params no longer accept bare string values (like 'array' or 'object' or 'gmp'). If you use constants, nothing will change for you.

  • Encoding:

    • Traversables no longer become dictionaries by default. You need to wrap them with DictType.

    • Stringables no longer become strings by default. Use useStringable: true to return old behavior.

    • Bencode::dump($filename, $data) became Bencode::dump($data, $filename) for consistency with streams.

      // Use Encoder object in 1.7+/2.7+/3.0+:
      $success = (new \SandFox\Bencode\Encoder([...$optionsHere]))->dump($data, $filename);
      // Or use named parameters in PHP 8.0+:
      $success = \SandFox\Bencode\Bencode::dump(
          data: $data,
          filename: $filename,
    • bencodeSerialize now declares mixed return type.

Upgrade from 1.x to 2.x#

Main breaking changes:

  • Required PHP version was bumped to 8.0. Upgrade your interpreter.

  • Legacy namespace SandFoxMe was removed. You should search and replace SandFoxMe\Bencode with SandFox\Bencode in your code if you haven’t done it already.